Vizīte Polijas un Lietuvas maksājumu aģetūrās

From February 21 - 23, representatives of the Rural Support Service of Latvia (RSS) went on experience exchange visit to the Paying Agencies of Poland and Lithuania. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss with colleagues all current issues regarding new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) planning period, challenges in the implementation of support measures and payment administration, as well as the possibilities of digital transformation in state administration.

At the Paying Agency of Poland, RSS got acquainted with organization's main directions of activity and achievable goals, mechanisms for providing support, current events in the animal registry system, etc. Interesting discussions werw about the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated processes in the administration of support measures.

During the meeting with representatives of the Paying Agency of Lithuania, RSS specialists gained valuable experience in the field of direct payments and investment measures management, as well as discussed the most important issues in strategic communication work, artificial intelligence and customer service mutual opportunities in future.

Thanks to colleagues of the Paying Agencies of Poland and Lithuania for the valuable exchange of experience! The Rural Support Service is looking forward to beneficial further cooperation.